Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Movie Questions

2. The movie starts off with Indy as a kid because they want the watchers to learn some more about Indy as a kid, and how even as a kid he is still the same old Indy. He still thinks treasures should be in a museum, still afraid of snakes, it also gave us a little background on how he got some of his unique items, such as the hat and his whip. It also gives us some background to show how his dad was obsessed with finding the grail, and how he sort of did not pay much attention to indy.

8. A person would have to chose the right grail from the rest, sort of as one final test. They probably wanted to make sure that whoever finds the grail, knew a a little about Jesus because Jesus was a carpenter, and the correct grail cup was made of wood. It also shows how Jesus did not care much for material things, since a lot of the grail's were made of gold and had jewels on them.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Small world part 3

What could the part where the secretary who is married cheating on her husband represent?

This could show how even now when you think someone is like a knight and that they are completely good and have no wrong, that is just what people want you to think. It all depends on the person who is the knight that decides if he/she is good or bad. Even now people who you might think are saints, and are really important people, still cheat on their significant other.

Why do you think Phil does not tell his wife about his big news?

Phil's wife seemed to be very wrapped up in her stuff, and it seemed that maybe he did not want to try and "out shine" her with his news, or maybe he was worried that she just would not care enough and just not pay any attention to him.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Small world part 2

Why do you think the author talked about sex at random parts of the novel?

While i was reading i couldn't help realize that for some random parts of the book, they would just start talking about sex in ways i never saw happening. There was the one part where the girl can not sleep and she starts talking about using a vibrator, and even made a joke or two about it, i just thought that this was really random. I in no way what soever saw this coming, same with the guy who wanted to join the mile high club i just thought the Arthur was being extremely random and there was no need for those parts, even though they were very funny.

Why is the story told with many different journeys all leading to a same point?
The story is all over the place at times with all the different journeys. Some people are clearly trying to find the grail more than other. Everyone has the same goal its just that some people can go about it better than others.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Story of the grail part 3

5. I really did not like how it ended. It ends mid sentence and you do not get to see who gets the grail which really makes me mad. I personally would much rather have the author just tell me who got the grail instead of leaving it up to the person reading. But that is just my personal opinion.

2. Perceval weeps because of his mother. He feels it is her fault that she dies because he left her. He really loved his mother and would never want anything bad to happen her her. He just feels guilty for everything which is something that he has to overcome.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Story of the grail part 2

1.  Generally when you hear "white flower" you think of beauty, and maybe even a sense of innocents which is associated with white.  This is interesting for her character because she is extremely beautiful.  Generally she could be used as a distraction to a lot of people who cannot stop looking at her.  However there is a scene where she stays the night with Perceval which is not very innocent at all.  So maybe she just wants people to think she is innocent.  

2.  It seemed that Perceval was very silent during the delicious meal.  He saw the grail but never asked who it would go to, this kind of made me mad because it left it up to whoever the reader would want it too, i would have rather just been told who would get the grail.  However the meal they had seemed far to great, considering the journey they went on it seemed the meal was a good way to end it.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Story of the grail part 1

2.  Chretien describes Perceval as someone who is very easily amazed.  Whenever he sees a knight he thinks they are the coolest people ever.  He always talks about how awesome knights are, and thinks that they are what he could only hope to be.  It seemed that the knights were also very nice people, they did not mind answering Percevals questions at all.

3.  When Perceval talked to his mom about the knights she was very shocked.  I think that she knew he would want to be a knight, but she also knew the dangers that knights face.  Even when his mother was telling him the story Perceval was not listening at all and it seemed to just go in one ear and out the other.

4.  It seemed that Perceval went about becoming a knight in a very wrong way.  He was being rude to King Arthur and such.  However he should have known that in order to be a knight he would have to be very kind and chivalrous.  He also seems to be very lucky he went up to random knights instigating a fight but somehow managed to luckily kill a red knight by hitting him in the eye.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

act 17-21

1.  Melibea and Calisto meetings at nighttime show a lot about their love.  Usually when two people are being intimate it occurs at night, this could show that they do not truly love each other, they just physically love each other.  Also in the night time it is hard to see, this also shows their love being more physical because two people who are in love with each other would want to see each others faces and truly gaze into each others eyes.

2.  I think they never truly loved each other.  They really only loved the sex.  Melibea is very young and i think she does not really know what love is she just thinks she is in love because of how she lusts for him.  Her suicide shows how confused she thought that since her love died she could not live yet i never thought she was truly in love.