Tuesday, November 3, 2009

act 17-21

1.  Melibea and Calisto meetings at nighttime show a lot about their love.  Usually when two people are being intimate it occurs at night, this could show that they do not truly love each other, they just physically love each other.  Also in the night time it is hard to see, this also shows their love being more physical because two people who are in love with each other would want to see each others faces and truly gaze into each others eyes.

2.  I think they never truly loved each other.  They really only loved the sex.  Melibea is very young and i think she does not really know what love is she just thinks she is in love because of how she lusts for him.  Her suicide shows how confused she thought that since her love died she could not live yet i never thought she was truly in love.

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