Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Decameron Questions 1

1.2 Bottom of page 41-42  "I don't like them one bit....I tell you most frankly that i would allow nothing to prevent me from becoming a Christian.  So, let us go to church, and there, according to the custom of your holy faith i shall be baptized.

This quote is a very interesting one.  It starts off with the jewish man saying how appalled he is with how the cardinols and the bishop acted, and that they were doing the devils work.  Yet at the end he decides to become a christian due to their views.  It is just ironic how he talks about how vile the catholic people were acting and how everything was against their religion yet he decides to become Catholic anyways.

1.3 Middle page 47.  "And let me say the same thing to you, my lord, concerning the three laws given to three peoples by God our Father which are the subject of the question you put to me: each believes itself to be the true heir to possess the true law, and to follow the true commandments, but whoever is right, just as in the case of the rings still undecided."

This quote is interesting because this quote shows how smart the rich jew was, and how he could not be easily tricked.  It also showed how generous the jew was because he still decided to give the Saladin the money anyways out of kindness.  It also shows how he was able to twist the Saladin's words around into a very clever story.

1.4 Page 49.  "But sir, i have not been a member of the order......I shall sin no more in this respect; on the contrary, i shall always behave as i have seen you behave."

This quote is actually very funny.  It shows how the Monk outsmarts the Abbot.  It is very funny how he was able to trick the abbot like this, however it does show how even and Abbot can sin.  Both the Abbot and the monk have done wrong in the church and both know it, which is why they decide to never let anyone no.

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