Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Eric and Enide questions part 1

3.  I would characterize Enide obviously as the most beautiful woman ever.  However she also seems to be very quite and shy.  She does not speak all that much, she is a very well mannered woman and comes from a loving family.  The text says looking at Enide would be like glazing into a mirror.  This could mean that generally when a person looks in a mirror they tend to stare at their self for a while making sure they look nice and paying close attention to every little detail on them.  In other words Enide is so beautiful that if you were to look at her you could not help but stare at her for a while and it would be hard to just look away.  Eric seems to be a very noble knight.  He is brave and smart, and has a great sense of honor.  It seems the two of them are a perfect match, and they could be together for a very long time.

4.  The second challenge was an interesting one.  This challenge involved men fighting for their woman.  It shows how in their time the woman were just supposed to look beautiful and wait for their knight in shinning armor to get them the bird, which could be their love.  It shows how the men will risk everything to honor their woman, they will fight off many other knights and try their best to ultimately win their woman's honor and love.

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