Tuesday, September 8, 2009

FYS-100 Assignment 1

This book says a lot about love and how people perceived what true love was in their time period.  Even though Tristan and Yseut are in love, its only because they had a love potion.  So its hard to consider their love true love.  True love usually involves two people falling in love because they are meant for each other, not because they drank the same potion.  It is possible that they truly started to fall in love the more time they spent together but the potion makes it seem that there love was forced upon them rather then them falling for each other.  However the two character seem to be head over heels for each other.  They risk getting in a lot of trouble all the time just so they can be together.  The novel so far is saying a lot about love and how the characters are in love, and how they are doing all sorts of risky things just so they can be together.  That shows that they are now in love, and only want a happy ending.

As of this part in the book it seems that King Mark has it the hardest.  The King finds out that his wife is cheating on him with his nephew, and he has been lied to numerous times throughout the story thus far.  All sorts of people want him to kill Tristan and Yseut because they are going behind his back, on the other hand a lot of the people in his town have grown fond of Tristan and look at him as the knight in shinning armor, who cannot be defeated, and when they found out he was going to be killed they all tried to talk the King out of it.  But the king seems to just want revenge, Tristan and Yseut both looked the King in his eyes and told them nothing was going on and that they just have a friend relationship, they even found a way to lie to him when they went to meet and the King was "secretly" spying on them from atop the tree.  Thus far in the book it seems the King had some hard times, and was lied to numerous times.

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