Thursday, September 10, 2009

FYS questions part 2 Anthony Bonitatibus

1.  Tristan and Yseut loved each other so much that they would accept living in the woods for a decent amount of time.  Living in the woods was not the best place to live for a former queen and knight.  Tristan would spend most of his time hunting so they could have food to feast on, and still that food was not enough, for Yseut grew very skinny, showing they were not eating that much.  They had to sleep in a blanket of leaves, on the dirt.  They also had to live their time in fear that King Mark would one day find them, and that would lead to their death. They were completely isolated from the rest of society all because of their "love", luckily they came to their senses and decided to leave because of the potions effect that worn off.

4.  The love potion that they were given only lasts for 3 years.  After the final day has passed, Tristan and Yseut both have a great realization, that their love is not going to work.  Tristan says that he feels bad for making Yseut sleep on a bed of leaves and sticks, when before they ran into all the trouble Yseut was sleeping in silk sheets, and had servants doing all of her bidding.  They decide to get help from Orgin who tells them to go back.  This could be because they love each other so much that they know they have to separate to live good lives, or simply because they have no more feelings for each other.  When they part however they decide to give each other an item that is very important to them, this shows that maybe their love was true, and they still do love each other, and that the potion had no affect on them when it wore off and that they just had to do what was best for each other.

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