Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Knight with the lion (Yvain)

2.  Calogrenant's story is a very epic tale.  It is unlike any other one we have discussed so far, it is most likely to show that this journey is one of great danger.  The story is one that any knight would want to accomplish.  It makes the reader seem that these trials are almost impossible.  The one part of the tale that I found to be the most interesting was how when you pour the water onto the stone it makes a storm of epic proportion.  This storm is so fierce that it has a brave knight cowardly huddling begging for it to be over.  This storm seems to be the summing of the knight to fight.  It is also weird how you have to go through a dark creepy thorn encased with dark shadows that lead to a beautiful meadow which then turns into a horrible storm, then you see a beautiful tree with birds, which leads to a knight to fight with.  It really shows light and dark sides, it seems to be very crazy, and unpredictable this is probably my favorite reading yet.

3.  Yvain is a very interesting character.  He seems to want to be looked at as a very glorious knight.  He is also pretty selfish, his kings-men clearly said that they would like to go with him on his glorious journey however he wanted to do this by himself and prove to everyone that he is a very noble knight.  Also he seems to be very vein in that he wanted the queen based only upon her looks. 

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