Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Movie Questions

2. The movie starts off with Indy as a kid because they want the watchers to learn some more about Indy as a kid, and how even as a kid he is still the same old Indy. He still thinks treasures should be in a museum, still afraid of snakes, it also gave us a little background on how he got some of his unique items, such as the hat and his whip. It also gives us some background to show how his dad was obsessed with finding the grail, and how he sort of did not pay much attention to indy.

8. A person would have to chose the right grail from the rest, sort of as one final test. They probably wanted to make sure that whoever finds the grail, knew a a little about Jesus because Jesus was a carpenter, and the correct grail cup was made of wood. It also shows how Jesus did not care much for material things, since a lot of the grail's were made of gold and had jewels on them.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Small world part 3

What could the part where the secretary who is married cheating on her husband represent?

This could show how even now when you think someone is like a knight and that they are completely good and have no wrong, that is just what people want you to think. It all depends on the person who is the knight that decides if he/she is good or bad. Even now people who you might think are saints, and are really important people, still cheat on their significant other.

Why do you think Phil does not tell his wife about his big news?

Phil's wife seemed to be very wrapped up in her stuff, and it seemed that maybe he did not want to try and "out shine" her with his news, or maybe he was worried that she just would not care enough and just not pay any attention to him.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Small world part 2

Why do you think the author talked about sex at random parts of the novel?

While i was reading i couldn't help realize that for some random parts of the book, they would just start talking about sex in ways i never saw happening. There was the one part where the girl can not sleep and she starts talking about using a vibrator, and even made a joke or two about it, i just thought that this was really random. I in no way what soever saw this coming, same with the guy who wanted to join the mile high club i just thought the Arthur was being extremely random and there was no need for those parts, even though they were very funny.

Why is the story told with many different journeys all leading to a same point?
The story is all over the place at times with all the different journeys. Some people are clearly trying to find the grail more than other. Everyone has the same goal its just that some people can go about it better than others.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Story of the grail part 3

5. I really did not like how it ended. It ends mid sentence and you do not get to see who gets the grail which really makes me mad. I personally would much rather have the author just tell me who got the grail instead of leaving it up to the person reading. But that is just my personal opinion.

2. Perceval weeps because of his mother. He feels it is her fault that she dies because he left her. He really loved his mother and would never want anything bad to happen her her. He just feels guilty for everything which is something that he has to overcome.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Story of the grail part 2

1.  Generally when you hear "white flower" you think of beauty, and maybe even a sense of innocents which is associated with white.  This is interesting for her character because she is extremely beautiful.  Generally she could be used as a distraction to a lot of people who cannot stop looking at her.  However there is a scene where she stays the night with Perceval which is not very innocent at all.  So maybe she just wants people to think she is innocent.  

2.  It seemed that Perceval was very silent during the delicious meal.  He saw the grail but never asked who it would go to, this kind of made me mad because it left it up to whoever the reader would want it too, i would have rather just been told who would get the grail.  However the meal they had seemed far to great, considering the journey they went on it seemed the meal was a good way to end it.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Story of the grail part 1

2.  Chretien describes Perceval as someone who is very easily amazed.  Whenever he sees a knight he thinks they are the coolest people ever.  He always talks about how awesome knights are, and thinks that they are what he could only hope to be.  It seemed that the knights were also very nice people, they did not mind answering Percevals questions at all.

3.  When Perceval talked to his mom about the knights she was very shocked.  I think that she knew he would want to be a knight, but she also knew the dangers that knights face.  Even when his mother was telling him the story Perceval was not listening at all and it seemed to just go in one ear and out the other.

4.  It seemed that Perceval went about becoming a knight in a very wrong way.  He was being rude to King Arthur and such.  However he should have known that in order to be a knight he would have to be very kind and chivalrous.  He also seems to be very lucky he went up to random knights instigating a fight but somehow managed to luckily kill a red knight by hitting him in the eye.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

act 17-21

1.  Melibea and Calisto meetings at nighttime show a lot about their love.  Usually when two people are being intimate it occurs at night, this could show that they do not truly love each other, they just physically love each other.  Also in the night time it is hard to see, this also shows their love being more physical because two people who are in love with each other would want to see each others faces and truly gaze into each others eyes.

2.  I think they never truly loved each other.  They really only loved the sex.  Melibea is very young and i think she does not really know what love is she just thinks she is in love because of how she lusts for him.  Her suicide shows how confused she thought that since her love died she could not live yet i never thought she was truly in love.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Celestina part 3

1.  Celestinas actions lead us to believe even more that she may be bi-sexual.  Celestina decides to "rub" Areusa to make her feel better.  And while she is rubbing Areusas chest Celestina makes a lot of comments about how beautiful and wonderful they are.  It seems as though she is molesting her.  It seems that Celestina is using playing her "mother" card to get whatever she wants.  Including feeling up people.  People may think Celestina is a perfect motherly type that is just trying to help but it is getting obvious that she is just trying to please herself.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Celestina part 2

3.  Celestina seems very uptight about things pertaining to the potion.  Shy freaks out at Elicia for not finding the ingredients the first time.  She even calls her out on liking   Sempronio, Celistina is telling Elicia to not get all cocky, and act all high and mighty.  Then she proceeds to make Elicia feel worthless by teling her that Sempronio would rather have Celestina any day over Elicia.  Finally she starts to pray to a god (Pluto) for his help.  However she then proceeds to threaten a god.  Which is just ridiculous because gods are known to be completely over powering to a human.  She threatens to go down to the underworld and mess everything up which just is ridiculous there is no way she could accomplish this.  We do not normally see this darker side of Celestina it must be because she is super worried that things might go wrong.  So she has to act like a really mean person to make sure things go perfect.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Celestina part 1

1.  The first act takes place in a garden because a garden is generally used for a peaceful setting and a romantic setting.  Calisto uses this setting so that when he tells Melibea about how he loves her it will seem more romantic.  However Melibea is appalled and says that no man can talk to her like that.  Calisto makes it seem that he already has Melibea, and says that she is his reward, making it seem that Calisto and Melibea will already be together.  Melibea takes offense to this saying she is no ones awards, however it could be possible that she is a little flattered by his words.

4.  Celistina is a very interesting character.  She is old, has some money, and has been with a lot of people.  She has a whore house and is the lead woman in the whore house.  However she also still retains her religion seeing as how she goes to church often.  Also everyone in the town seems to know who she is showing that the whole town might go to her whore house.  Also she seems to be rather wise, seeing as how she has been with so many people.  

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Decameron day 6

9.2  The nuns reaction makes her seem like a hypocrite.  She is yelling at the girl for having sexual relations while at the same time the nun was discovered to be having sexual relations also.  It also makes sin not relevant at all.  They believe that as long as you do it discreetly its ok.  which is completely false seeing how god is all knowing and all seeing.  If people are not going to follow the rules then they might as well not have rules at all.

9.3  I would say Calandrino's friends are more guilty.  Their friend was given money and even though it was not a lot he just wanted to buy some land.  While his friends would rather have him spend it on them all.  His friends basically stole the money from him and thats just not right.  Its one thing to play a trick on someone for fun, but to make the person spend his money on you in the process is just messed up.  Also Calandrino was very mean to his wife making it seem like it was her fault he was pregnant which is just mean.  It shows how woman had a very small role in society in the time period.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Decameron day 5

7.3  Do you think that Agnesa was tricked into "being with Rinaldo" or would you say she wanted him?  

At first when I read this i thought for certain she wanted Rinaldo, and was not affected by his cunning ways.  I also figured she liked Rinaldo she does say he is good looking, but i find it hard to believe that a mother would sleep with her sons godfather.  However after i saw how easily her husband was tricked i had to second guess myself because maybe she was just as gullible as him. 

7.4   This story involves a lot of trickery to the Tofano, why do you think that in a lot of these stories the innocent people are the ones who have a down fall?

A lot of the stories will have the innocent person be tricked into the wrong.  In this one Tofano was just trying to live his life, and when he was suspicious about his wife's behavior he wanted to catch her for it.  Yet at the end of the story he gets locked out of his castle and he ends up allowing his wife to cheat on him as long as she does it discretely.  This is a common theme in a lot of the books and i think it is very wrong how they allow the "good guys" to be the ones who get screwed over.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

5.9  What do you think about the irony in Federingo's choice to feed his love the bird?

I found it very ironic how all Federingo wanted was to have Monna be happy and impressed by him.  Yet all he needed to do was to give her his falcon to save her sons life, however Federingo thought it would be more important for Monna to have a great meal.  If Federingo knew that she wanted the falcon there is no doubt that he would have given it to her in a second.  Yet he wanted to impress her, when really she did not want to be impressed.  Its a sad story and it got me really mad that all he had to do was give Monna the falcon and her son would be healed.

6.7  Do you agreee with Madonna's case in cheating with her husband or do you think she was wrong?

In a perfect world no-one would cheat on their significant other and if you married someone you would be faithful to that person only.  However as this story shows we do not live in a perfect world.  Monna decided to sleep with another man because she was in love with him, not because he was "really good looking" or because she just needed another man.  In that case it could be understandable why she would cheat on him.  She also has a good argument as to why she did it.  She always "pleases" her man, and tries her hardest to make him happy, and all she wanted was to be with the one she loved, which is understandable to a degree.  I agree with Madonna's case and the only reason why i do is because she says she is in love with the person she cheated on her husband with.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Decameron Part 2

3.  The seventh story was one of the more interesting one.  This story shows us how a very good looking girl has immense power over men, whether people like to believe it or not.  She is able to be very flirtatious and uses her sexuality to gain what she wants, and it worked out very well. She is able to make men her slaves basically, she even gets brothers to fight for her, and one of the brothers kills the other.  It just goes to show how much woman have power over men.

2.  This story says a decent amount about humanity.  First off it shows how a mother who losses everyone she loves, decides it would be easiest to live in a cave and with deer.  It seems that she just needs to be around a "family", and also that she seems to need a male figure to help her out.  However it also shows how much a mother would do for her son, seeing as she will help him escape jail, no matter what.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Decameron Questions 1

1.2 Bottom of page 41-42  "I don't like them one bit....I tell you most frankly that i would allow nothing to prevent me from becoming a Christian.  So, let us go to church, and there, according to the custom of your holy faith i shall be baptized.

This quote is a very interesting one.  It starts off with the jewish man saying how appalled he is with how the cardinols and the bishop acted, and that they were doing the devils work.  Yet at the end he decides to become a christian due to their views.  It is just ironic how he talks about how vile the catholic people were acting and how everything was against their religion yet he decides to become Catholic anyways.

1.3 Middle page 47.  "And let me say the same thing to you, my lord, concerning the three laws given to three peoples by God our Father which are the subject of the question you put to me: each believes itself to be the true heir to possess the true law, and to follow the true commandments, but whoever is right, just as in the case of the rings still undecided."

This quote is interesting because this quote shows how smart the rich jew was, and how he could not be easily tricked.  It also showed how generous the jew was because he still decided to give the Saladin the money anyways out of kindness.  It also shows how he was able to twist the Saladin's words around into a very clever story.

1.4 Page 49.  "But sir, i have not been a member of the order......I shall sin no more in this respect; on the contrary, i shall always behave as i have seen you behave."

This quote is actually very funny.  It shows how the Monk outsmarts the Abbot.  It is very funny how he was able to trick the abbot like this, however it does show how even and Abbot can sin.  Both the Abbot and the monk have done wrong in the church and both know it, which is why they decide to never let anyone no.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Knight with the Lion (Yvain) part 3

1.  Yvain gives himself a new nickname because he is being reborn.  After everything with him going crazy in the woods, he wanted to forget Yvain, the knight who lost the one he loved and everything he cared about, and instead wanted to become a new person, this person is the brave knight with the lion.  Yvain wants to have his new image so that he can start a new legacy as the knight with the lion.  As far as Yvain knows the name Yvain is dead and that person who was formally known as Yvain is no longer exists, he is only the knight with the lion.

2.  The sisters are very different.  The older sister seems to have evil intent.  She wants all the land so she immediately gets Gwain, who is a knight with few equals.  This creates a problem for the younger sister because it will be hard to find a knight strong enough and brave enough to go up against Gwain.  The younger sister knows only one knight who might be strong enough, and this leads her to the quest of finding Yvain.  

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Knight with the Lion (Yvain) part 2

4.  When Yvain encounters the lion and the snake I think it is a parallel to his journey.  The lion represents Yvain.  Lion's usually represent courage, and Yvain is full of courage, he does not waste a minute and will easily take on giants, dragons, and many soldiers.  The snake could represent the evil that Yvain has encountered.  Snakes are usually evil monsters, like in the story of Adam and Eve the serpent or snake represents temptation and evil.  Also this snake could represent the struggles Yvain has gone through.  In a way if Yvain had let the lion die, then maybe it would be like he let himself die, and gave up on himself.

5.  Lunete's dilemma was pretty interesting.  It is easy to see how the barons are mad at her because Lunete set the queen up with Yvain, and Yvain broke the queens promise, and in turn broke her heart.  However Lunete was just looking into Yvain and the queens best interest.  I think it was very cruel how they intended to treat Lunete and her only chance to live was to find a knight brave enough to fight in a 3 verse 1 fight, that just does not seem fair.    

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Knight with the lion (Yvain)

2.  Calogrenant's story is a very epic tale.  It is unlike any other one we have discussed so far, it is most likely to show that this journey is one of great danger.  The story is one that any knight would want to accomplish.  It makes the reader seem that these trials are almost impossible.  The one part of the tale that I found to be the most interesting was how when you pour the water onto the stone it makes a storm of epic proportion.  This storm is so fierce that it has a brave knight cowardly huddling begging for it to be over.  This storm seems to be the summing of the knight to fight.  It is also weird how you have to go through a dark creepy thorn encased with dark shadows that lead to a beautiful meadow which then turns into a horrible storm, then you see a beautiful tree with birds, which leads to a knight to fight with.  It really shows light and dark sides, it seems to be very crazy, and unpredictable this is probably my favorite reading yet.

3.  Yvain is a very interesting character.  He seems to want to be looked at as a very glorious knight.  He is also pretty selfish, his kings-men clearly said that they would like to go with him on his glorious journey however he wanted to do this by himself and prove to everyone that he is a very noble knight.  Also he seems to be very vein in that he wanted the queen based only upon her looks. 

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Eric and Enide questions part 2

3.  Erics intentions for taking Enide on this adventure is most likely for Eric to make sure that Enide knows Eric is the best knight around, and that no matter what people say about him, he will always be the best.  He easily beats eight knights with little trouble, to prove to Enide that he is the best.  However this journey could also be a way for Eric to test Enide's love for him, he tells her constantly not to talk to him, or warn him of any dangerous yet she constantly does, and he never hits her or harms her in any way for doing so.  

4.  Enide's inner monologues show that she is torn between what to say.  Throughout the text she has to decide whether to warn Eric and go against his wishes, or to simply say nothing and fear that Eric may be killed.  However every time she decides to warn Eric, this shows that she is truly in love with him, and that nothing will stop her from helping her love. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Eric and Enide questions part 1

3.  I would characterize Enide obviously as the most beautiful woman ever.  However she also seems to be very quite and shy.  She does not speak all that much, she is a very well mannered woman and comes from a loving family.  The text says looking at Enide would be like glazing into a mirror.  This could mean that generally when a person looks in a mirror they tend to stare at their self for a while making sure they look nice and paying close attention to every little detail on them.  In other words Enide is so beautiful that if you were to look at her you could not help but stare at her for a while and it would be hard to just look away.  Eric seems to be a very noble knight.  He is brave and smart, and has a great sense of honor.  It seems the two of them are a perfect match, and they could be together for a very long time.

4.  The second challenge was an interesting one.  This challenge involved men fighting for their woman.  It shows how in their time the woman were just supposed to look beautiful and wait for their knight in shinning armor to get them the bird, which could be their love.  It shows how the men will risk everything to honor their woman, they will fight off many other knights and try their best to ultimately win their woman's honor and love.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

FYS questions part 3 Anthony Bonitatibus

3.  Tristain goes mad in this book most likely because of the fact that he is no longer able to see his love Yseut again.  Tristain is not ok with this, he even grew weak because of this.  Driven by love he decided to go back to Cornwall to see his love again.  However this time he goes to Cornwall disguised as a leper.  Tristain puts on a robe, makes himself walk funny and seem old and sick just so he can be with Yseut again.  No matter how dangerous this could of been Tristain would of probably killed himself if he could not see her again.

4.  It is understandable how Tristain and Yseut must die at the end of this novel.  If the novel had just ended with them being apart than the whole book would of been for nothing, they had to die because they had a love that was forbidden and anytime something would happen to them or they tried to be together they would have to end up running or killing someone.  They were bound to each others love, and the only way for them to break free of that, was through death.  Death was the only way for them to be able to be at peace since they knew they could not be together.  

Thursday, September 10, 2009

FYS questions part 2 Anthony Bonitatibus

1.  Tristan and Yseut loved each other so much that they would accept living in the woods for a decent amount of time.  Living in the woods was not the best place to live for a former queen and knight.  Tristan would spend most of his time hunting so they could have food to feast on, and still that food was not enough, for Yseut grew very skinny, showing they were not eating that much.  They had to sleep in a blanket of leaves, on the dirt.  They also had to live their time in fear that King Mark would one day find them, and that would lead to their death. They were completely isolated from the rest of society all because of their "love", luckily they came to their senses and decided to leave because of the potions effect that worn off.

4.  The love potion that they were given only lasts for 3 years.  After the final day has passed, Tristan and Yseut both have a great realization, that their love is not going to work.  Tristan says that he feels bad for making Yseut sleep on a bed of leaves and sticks, when before they ran into all the trouble Yseut was sleeping in silk sheets, and had servants doing all of her bidding.  They decide to get help from Orgin who tells them to go back.  This could be because they love each other so much that they know they have to separate to live good lives, or simply because they have no more feelings for each other.  When they part however they decide to give each other an item that is very important to them, this shows that maybe their love was true, and they still do love each other, and that the potion had no affect on them when it wore off and that they just had to do what was best for each other.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

FYS-100 Assignment 1

This book says a lot about love and how people perceived what true love was in their time period.  Even though Tristan and Yseut are in love, its only because they had a love potion.  So its hard to consider their love true love.  True love usually involves two people falling in love because they are meant for each other, not because they drank the same potion.  It is possible that they truly started to fall in love the more time they spent together but the potion makes it seem that there love was forced upon them rather then them falling for each other.  However the two character seem to be head over heels for each other.  They risk getting in a lot of trouble all the time just so they can be together.  The novel so far is saying a lot about love and how the characters are in love, and how they are doing all sorts of risky things just so they can be together.  That shows that they are now in love, and only want a happy ending.

As of this part in the book it seems that King Mark has it the hardest.  The King finds out that his wife is cheating on him with his nephew, and he has been lied to numerous times throughout the story thus far.  All sorts of people want him to kill Tristan and Yseut because they are going behind his back, on the other hand a lot of the people in his town have grown fond of Tristan and look at him as the knight in shinning armor, who cannot be defeated, and when they found out he was going to be killed they all tried to talk the King out of it.  But the king seems to just want revenge, Tristan and Yseut both looked the King in his eyes and told them nothing was going on and that they just have a friend relationship, they even found a way to lie to him when they went to meet and the King was "secretly" spying on them from atop the tree.  Thus far in the book it seems the King had some hard times, and was lied to numerous times.